Membership in SCCCW is open to all Catholic women in South Carolina.
Categories of membership include the following.
Individual membership forms may be found below.
Affiliate (e.g., parish organizations, such as ladies guilds or women’s clubs)
Affiliate organizations usually meet once per month with most taking a hiatus during the summer. However, for specific information on meeting schedules, membership, etc., for a particular affiliate, please visit that parish’s website or contact the affiliate president directly.
Deanery (e.g., districts into which the Diocese is divided)
Deaneries, which are made up of affiliates and individual members within that deanery, usually meet on a quarterly basis. For additional information regarding membership and meetings, please contact the Deanery President in your area.
The SCCCW Board of Directors holds three business meetings each year, in addition to a Pre-Convention Meeting. The SCCCW also hosts an annual convention during the spring.
SCCCW is affiliated with NCCW and strongly encourages membership in NCCW, too. Membership in NCCW is available on the individual, affiliate, deanery, and diocesan level. Please visit the NCCW for additional information.